PhD Fellowship Application 

The PhD Fellowship is a competitive, full-time fellowship program for students pursuing a doctoral degree in economics at George Mason University. Acceptance into the fellowship program is dependent on acceptance into the PhD program in economics at George Mason University. Please complete the standard application for fall admission to the PhD program in economics at George Mason University, and indicate on the application that you would like to be considered for funding.

If you have any questions, email

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Applicants must be pursuing a PhD in economics at George Mason University in order to be eligible for this fellowship program. If you are considering going to graduate school in the future, check out the Don Lavoie Fellowship. Learn more here:
Applicants must be pursuing a PhD in economics at George Mason University in order to be eligible for this fellowship program. If you are a PhD candidate (at the dissertation stage) in another doctoral program at Mason, please look into our Dissertation Fellowship. Learn more here:
Applicants must be pursuing a PhD in economics at George Mason University in order to be eligible for this fellowship program. Check out our fellowship programs that are open to graduate students from any university and in any discipline. Learn more here:

Personal Information



Contact Information

It looks like those email addresses don't match.

Example: 1453 East St. 4th Floor, Room 385, PO Box 395874

If no postal code enter N/A

How Did You Hear About Us?

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

1. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

2. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

3. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

GRE Score 

Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.

Graduate Training Progress 

Preliminary Exams 

Economic Field Exams

First Field

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Dissertation Information 

Students currently in their first and second year of study may skip this section.

Dissertation Committee Members

Dissertation Member 1 Chair/Faculty Advisor

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Career and Research Interests 

Short Essay Questions


Please list two references that speak to your academic performance and career goals. These references are not required to send letters of recommendation but may be contacted if we have questions. Letters of recommendation can be sent to, although it is not required.

Reference #1

Reference #2

Upload Application Materials 

Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.

Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a 1-2 page cover letter explaining your interest in the program. It should include a description of your graduate school career to date, your research interests and current projects, your familiarity with Mason and Mercatus scholars and their research, and what you hope to get out of the program.
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please write and upload a 500-1000 word essay on "Why do some societies prosper, while others remain stagnant and poor?".
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a 10-page writing sample that demonstrates your writing and research skills.
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. 
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a 2-3 page report explaining in detail (1) your current progress towards your career goals and the impact the Mercatus PhD/Dissertation Fellowship program has had on your advancement, being as specific as possible with respect to your progress on coursework, research, teaching, and professional development, and (2) your three-year plan for making the most out of continued funding. This should include a statement of your career goals, a description of your research interests and future planned research, and a plan that addresses other margins important for career progress, including but not limited to teaching, presenting at academic conferences, developing your dissertation and dissertation committee, and preparing for the job market. Be as specific as is reasonable about your goals and save a copy of the plan.
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a recent publication or working paper if possible; otherwise, please submit a 10-page writing sample.
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a copy of your current Program of Study.
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.