James Buchanan Fellowship Application 

The Mercatus Center's James Buchanan Fellowship is awarded to scholars in any discipline who have recently graduated from their doctoral programs. The aim of this fellowship is to encourage early-career scholars to critically engage ideas in the political economy of Adam Smith and the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy and the contemporary applications of these ideas to questions in social sciences dealing with the dynamics and institutional underpinnings of economic, political, and social coordination. If you have any questions, email BuchananFellowship@mercatus.gmu.edu.
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Applicants must be recent graduates of doctoral programs with academic positions during the upcoming academic year in order to be eligible for the James Buchanan Fellowship. If you are a graduate student or considering graduate school, consider applying for one of our other fellowship programs. If you have any questions, email Students@mercatus.gmu.edu.

This Upcoming Academic Year

Tell us about the position you will hold during the upcoming academic year.

i.e., Assistant Professor, Postdoc, Research Fellow, etc.

i.e., Political Science Department, Mercatus Center, etc.

i.e., Kings College London, Beloit College, George Mason University, etc.

Personal Information



Contact Information

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Example: 1453 East St. 4th Floor, Room 385, PO Box 395874

If no postal code enter N/A

How Did You Hear About Us?

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

1. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

2. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Educational Information  

Please provide educational information beginning with the most recent university you are attending/have attended as a degree-seeking student. List no more than three universities (you can include further details on your resume/CV).

3. College/University Information

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Enter your University - If your university name does not appear please enter it above.

Career and Research Interests 

Short Essay Questions

Academic Publications 


Please list two references that speak to your academic performance and career goals. These references are not required to send letters of recommendation but may be contacted if we have questions. Letters of recommendation can be sent to BuchananFellowship@mercatus.gmu.edu, although they are not required.

Reference #1

Reference #2

Upload Application Materials 

Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.

Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.
Please upload a 1-2 page cover letter explaining your interest in the James Buchanan Fellowship. It should include a description of doctorate education, your research and career interests, your familiarity with the thinkers associated with the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy, and what you hope to get out of the program. 
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Only upload .pdf files, 25MB or less.